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Showing: 01/2014

Telemedicine: Increasing the Humanization of Healthcare

January 30, 2014

A mere science fiction ruse for many adults who were teens in the 70’s, telemedicine advancements now allow the inevitable long-distance health care solution to work in syncopation with technology to create an environment where patients receive much quicker services.  As newer innovations in teleradiology are unveiled, however, health professionals and patients wonder whether the ‘human factor’ will fly out the window with yesterday’s useless gadgetry.
If you’re on the fence about telemedicine today, let’s explore both the adversities behind trusting robotics, and why keeping more personable heath care solutions ‘as is’ could still benefit telemedicine.


Teleradiology Services Overall Outlook for 2014

January 29, 2014

Teleradiology1As the medical field rapidly works to adapt the many changes that lie ahead for it, many hard working and detail oriented professionals looking for employment are finding that 2014 is proving to be a great year for finding new and fulfilling jobs in medical fields old, new or rapidly expanding.